Controlling Instruments Through Keyboard Inputs

During the development process of a scene (particularly while calling it with runSofa), it can be helpful to control the interactive objects of your scene through keyboard inputs. SOFA already has an event handling, that can be triggered by pressing and holding down control, and then pressing the keys you want to send to your scene. To process these key events in your scene, you have to add a Sofa.Core.Controller object to your scene, that implements a onKeypressedEvent(self, event) or onKeyreleasedEvent(self, event). For an example, see sofa_env.scenes.grasp_lift_touch.sofa_objects.tool_controller.ToolController.onKeypressedEvent().

class ToolController(Sofa.Core.Controller):
    def __init__(self, gripper: Gripper, cauter: Cauter) -> None:
        super().__init__() = "ToolController"
        self.gripper = gripper
        self.cauter = cauter

        self.active_tool = Tool.GRIPPER

    def onKeypressedEvent(self, event):
        key = event["key"]
        if ord(key) == 1:  # Tab
            self.active_tool = switchTool(tool=self.active_tool)
        elif ord(key) == 32:  # Space
        elif ord(key) == 19:  # up
            self.do_action(np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

Do not forget, that the Sofa.Core.Controller object has the be added to the simulation graph.

controller = ToolController(...)


The keyboard events are not registered, when running the scene through the python intrepreter with python3, only through runSofa