


Reward Features

  • distance_to_target: Distance between end effector and target in meters.

  • delta_distance_to_target: Change in distance between end effector and target in meters since the last step.

  • time_step_cost: 1.0 for every step.

  • workspace_violation: 1.0 if the action would have violated the workspace.

  • successful_task: 1.0 if the distance between the end effector and the target is below the threshold distance_to_target_threshold.


Scene Description



Reward Features

  • action_violated_cartesian_workspace: Number of tools that violate their Cartesian workspace.

  • action_violated_state_limits: Number of tools that violate their state limits.

  • tool_collision: Whether the tools collide.

  • distance_to_active_sphere: Distance from the cauter tip to the active sphere.

  • delta_distance_to_active_sphere: Change in distance from the cauter tip to the active sphere.

  • deflection_of_inactive_spheres: Sum of the deflections of the inactive spheres.

  • deflection_of_active_sphere: Deflection of the active sphere.

  • delta_deflection_of_active_sphere: Change in deflection of the active sphere.

  • done_with_active_sphere: Whether the active sphere is deflected enough to be considered done.


Scene Description



Reward Features

Active Vision:

  • collision_cauter: Cauter has a collision.

  • relative_distance_cauter_target: Relative distance between the cauter and the point of interest.

  • delta_distance_cauter_target: Difference between the current the the previous relative distance between the cauter and the point of interest.

  • cauter_touches_target: True if the distance between the tip position of the cauter and the poi is smaller than instrument_touch_tolerance.

  • successful_task: True if the cauter touches the target and is activated.

  • cauter_action_violated_state_limits: Cauter violated the state limits.

No Cauter:

  • poi_is_in_frame: Point of interest is in the camera frame.

  • relative_camera_distance_error_to_poi: Distance between the desired and actual camera to point of interest distance normalized by the desired distance (abs(distance)/target_distance).

  • delta_relative_camera_distance_error_to_poi: Change in distance between the desired and actual camera to poi distance.

  • relative_pixel_distance_poi_to_image_center: Distance between the image center and the poi in pixels normalized by the maximum pixel distance in frame.

  • delta_relative_pixel_distance_poi_to_image_center: Change in distance between the center and the poi in the image.

  • sucessful_task: Task is successful if the poi is in the camera frame, the camera is close enough to the poi and the poi is centered in the image.


Scene Description



Reward Features

  • distance_to_target: Distance between TTP and IDP.

  • one_time_reward_goal: TTP reached IDP.

  • one_time_penalty_is_stuck: Policy is stuck (does not move).

  • one_time_penalty_invalid_action: Action would have violated the workspace constraints.

  • one_time_penalty_unstable_simulation: Simulation is unstable.


Scene Description



Reward Features

  • grasped_torus: Whether the gripper is grasping the torus.

  • established_grasp: Whether the gripper has established a new grasp on the torus in this step.

  • lost_grasp: Whether the gripper has lost its grasp on the torus in this step.

  • torus_distance_to_active_pegs.

  • delta_torus_distance_to_active_pegs.

  • gripper_distance_to_torus_center: The distance between the middle of the gripper jaw and the torus’ center of mass.

  • delta_gripper_distance_to_torus_center.

  • gripper_distance_to_torus_tracking_points.

  • delta_gripper_distance_to_torus_tracking_points.

  • gripper_jaw_peg_collisions: Number of collisions between the gripper jaw collision models and the pegs.

  • gripper_jaw_floor_collisions.

  • unstable_deformation: An approximation of whether the torus deformation might be unstable. Checked by looking at the velocities of the torus.

  • torus_velocity: The mean Cartesian velocity of all points of the torus.

  • gripper_velocity: The Cartesian velocity of the gripper’s jaw joint.

  • torus_dropped_off_board: Whether the torus is not on the board any more.

  • action_violated_state_limits: Whether the last action would have violated the state limits of the gripper.

  • action_violated_cartesian_workspace: Whether the last action would have violated the Cartesian workspace limits of the gripper.

  • successful_task: Whether the torus was placed on one of the active pegs.

  • distance_to_minimum_pick_height: The distance in height between the torus’ center of mass and the minimum_lift_height.

  • delta_distance_to_minimum_pick_height: The change in distance in height between the torus’ center of mass and the minimum_lift_height.


Scene Description



Reward Features

  • collision_cauter_gripper: Whether the cauter collides with the gripper.

  • collision_cauter_gallbladder: Whether the cauter collides with the gallbladder.

  • collision_cauter_liver: Whether the cauter collides with the liver.

  • collision_gripper_liver: Whether the gripper collides with the liver.

  • distance_cauter_target: Distance between cauter and target.

  • delta_distance_cauter_target: Change in distance between cauter and target.

  • target_visible: Whether the target is visible to the camera.

  • gallbladder_is_grasped: Whether the gallbladder is grasped by the gripper.

  • new_grasp_on_gallbladder: Whether a new grasp has been established on the gallbladder in this step.

  • lost_grasp_on_gallbladder: Whether a grasp has been lost in this step.

  • active_grasping_springs: Number of springs between gripper and gallbladder (indicates grasp strength).

  • delta_active_grasping_springs: Change in number of springs between gripper and gallbladder.

  • gripper_pulls_gallbladder_out: Change in distance between gripper and trocar during grasp.

  • overlap_gallbladder_liver: Overlap between FEM model of liver and gallbladder.

  • delta_overlap_gallbladder_liver: Change in overlap between FEM model of liver and gallbladder.

  • dynamic_force_on_gallbladder: How much force acts on the gallbladder.

  • successful_task: Task is done.

  • failed_task: Task failed.

  • cauter_action_violated_state_limits: Cauter action would have violated the PTSD state limits.

  • cauter_action_violated_cartesian_workspace: Cauter action would have violated the Cartesian workspace.

  • gripper_action_violated_state_limits: Gripper action would have violated the PTSD state limits.

  • gripper_action_violated_cartesian_workspace: Gripper action would have violated the Cartesian workspace.

  • phase_change: Change in phase for this step. >0 for advanced phase and <0 for decreased phase.

  • distance_gripper_graspable_region: Distance between gripper and gallbladder infundibulum.

  • delta_distance_gripper_graspable_region: Change in distance between gripper and gallbladder infundibulum.

  • cauter_activation_in_target: Magnitude of cauter activation in the target.

  • cauter_delta_activation_in_target: Change in magnitude of cauter activation in the target.

  • cauter_touches_target: Whether the cauter touches the target.


Scene Description



Reward Features

  • distance_cauter_active_rope: Minimal distance between the cauter and the active rope.

  • delta_distance_cauter_active_rope: Change in distance between the cauter and the active rope.

  • cut_active_rope: Sum of topological changes of the active rope.

  • cut_inactive_rope: Sum of topological changes of the inactive ropes.

  • workspace_violation: 1.0 if the cauter action would have violated the workspace, 0.0 otherwise.

  • state_limits_violation: 1.0 if the cauter action would have violated the state limits, 0.0 otherwise.


Scene Description



Reward Features


Scene Description



Reward Features


Scene Description



Reward Features


Scene Description



Reward Features


Scene Description



Reward Features


Scene Description



Reward Features


Scene Description



Reward Features


Scene Description

Magnetic Continuum Robot


This environment is built around the scene from

Reward Features

  • tip_pos_distance_to_dest_pos: Distance between conituum robot tip and target position.

  • delta_tip_pos_distance_to_dest_pos: Change in distance between conituum robot tip and target position.

  • workspace_constraint_violation: Whether the action would have violated the workspace.

  • successful_task: Whether the task is completed.
